Start your own hosting business. With a reseller account you can take
the alloted space that you've paid for and create individual cPanel
accounts for your own clients. This type of account can quickly pay
for itself and you can begin receiving profit.
We are with you every step of the way to make your presence professional
with your own private nameservers: and That way no-one can see that we are actually hosting
the accounts.
To top it off, we back you up with eXtreme support.
Your support questions will be at the top of our list. You will be
provided with a dedicated support specialist to assist you with every
aspect of your account. They will even walk you through the account
creation process.
Now it is your turn to test out our amazing
reseller services.
Bronze Reseller
1 Year
6 Months
Silver Reseller
1 Year
6 Months
Gold Reseller
1 Year
6 Months
Platinum Reseller
1 Year
6 Months
When you place an order
for service you will be given the option of choosing a recurring
payment frequency. A longer pre-paid term will result in
greater discounts.
Zernebok Hosting is a limited company registered in Scotland. Company number SC355615. VAT number GB 202 4213 74. Prices exclude VAT, charged at 20% for UK customers or the appropriate country rate for other EU customers. All prices in USD are approximate and actual prices depend on the current USD/GBP exchange rate. Manage cookie preferences