We are pleased to announce that, due to improvements made by the .uk registrar, Nominet, you can now register .uk domains through Zernebok Hosting for as little as one year, up to ten years! If you're doing business in the UK or simply want to make your mark, securing your own .co.uk, .org.uk or .me.uk is essential. .uk domains can be registered for £6.95 or $10.95 for 1 year, or you can register for 2-10 years and pay just £4.95 or $7.95 per year!

Existing registrations will continue on a 2 yearly basis at present, but you can now renew your domain for up to 10 years total remaining registration time (i.e., if your domain is due to expire in 1 year, you can add 9 years to that) at any time from the member centre.

Additionally, domain registrations should process instantly or near-instantly, as opposed to the 24-48 hour timeframe previously imposed by Nominet.

If you have any queries about these changes, please submit a support ticket.

Click here to check domain availability or to explore our other domain extensions.

Joi, MaI 24, 2012

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